About us

PAJHRA, which means “life spring” in Adivasia (Sadri) language. stands for Promotion and Advancement of Justice, Harmony and Rights of Adivasis. PAJHRA was conceptualized in November 2001 by a group of Adivasi social activists and leaders and was formalized on 9th April 2002. PAJHRA is an initiative to to build the capabilities of the Adivasi community to access their entitlements, improve their socio and economic status in the society, and social integration of Adivasis from all walks of life in Assam.
Adivasis, within indigenous groups, are a community who were forcefully brought by the British in the 18th century from Central India to work in the tea plantations of Assam. Most of the major Adivasi tribes in Assam – including the Oraon, Munda, Kharia, Santhal, Gorh, Ho, Saora, and Bhil – continue to live inside tea plantation enclaves or villages. Due to their minority ethnic status and isolation on tea plantations, Adivasis experience serious marginalization in Assam.
PAJHRA’s goal is to help enable the Adivasi community to promote their own development and wellbeing. It does so by bringing individuals and groups together to tackle community challenges including education, labour rights, trafficking, and disaster response, among others. PAJHRA collaborates with organisations within the Adivasi community – such as Adivasi NGOs, youth bodies, women’s organisations, and literary organisations (Sahitya Sabhas) that are preserving Adivasi languages and cultures. PAJHRA also partners with organisations outside the Adivasi community – such as non-Adivasi NGOs, other development agencies, and many regional and national development agencies. Finally, PAJHRA collaborates with networks.
Our Vision
A self-reliant and confident Adivasi community with permanent and legitimate place in North East India, coexisting in harmony with other tribes and communities.

Our Mission
To empower members of the Adivasi community and their institutions by building their self-esteem and capacity to advocate for their rights.

Areas of Intervention
• Empowerment on Entitlements & Government Schemes
• Women’s Leadership
• Human Trafficking
• Youth and Education
• Adivasi Culture and Language
• Disaster Management
• Capacity Building of Adivasi Organisations
• Multi Stakeholder Dialogue
Organization Structure
PAJHRA is duly registered under the Societies Registration Act and Foreign Contribution Regulation Act.
General Body
PAJHRA’s General Body is comprised of 49 Registered Members from different districts of Assam. The members are respected Adivasis who have standing in society as teachers, lawyers, social workers, and other professionals and leaders. They serve in a voluntary advisory capacity, meeting annually to decide the general scope and direction of PAJHRA’s work and appoint the members of PAJHRA’s Executive Committee. PAJHRA is always seeking to increase the number of women serving in its General Body; presently there are four female registered members.
Executive Committee
PAJHRA’s Executive Committee currently consists of 16 Executive Members, including four women, appointed from among the Registered Members to serve staggered, three-year terms. The Executive Committee meets quarterly to determine and govern PAJHRA’s programmes and activities. The Executive Committee is headed by a President, who is supported by a Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Executive Committee is divided into subcommittees responsible for overseeing specific aspects of the organisation such as legal matters, media and communications, finances, and projects.
List Of Executive Members
S. NO. | Name | Designation | Occupation |
1 | Sunil Pio | President | Asst. Professor |
2 | T. Jude Xalxo | Vice President | Service |
3 | Stephen Ekka | Director cum Secretary | Social worker |
4 | Lucas Tigga | Treasurer | Asst. teacher |
5 | Ethelbert Minj | Member | Social worker |
6 | Hippoletus Toppo | Member | Principal |
7 | Michael Herenz | Member | Social worker |
8 | Lily Kujur | Member | Asst. teacher |
9 | Dalim Tirkey | Member | Asst. teacher |
10 | Angela Nag | Member | Asst. teacher |
11 | Sashi Kujur Lakra | Member | Asst. teacher |
12 | Meenakshi Bhuyan | Member | Social worker |
13 | Angel Syiem | Member | Asst. Professor |
PAJHRA’s Management executes the plans that PAJHRA’s Executive Committee sets for the organisation. The Management head is PAJHRA’s Director, who also serves as the Secretary of the Executive Committee. Other management staff are not part of the Executive Committee. The staff members support the day-to-day development intervention and programme activities of PAJHRA.